Alkaline Water Advantages for Heart Problems

Is it possible that a glass of water might save your life? 

Yes, if consumed at the appropriate time (one hour before bed), water can help prevent a heart attack or stroke! Because it is free of pollutants like chlorine, contains beneficial mineral hydrates, and has a healthy pH balance, alkaline mineral water produced by a water ionizer may be the ideal glass of water for your heart. According to research, receiving minerals from water is more vital than you would assume.

"The more alkaline the water, the higher the artery protection." This is the result of the greatest ever evaluation of data on the cardiovascular benefits of drinking water. The study looked at studies done over several decades and involved tens of thousands of test volunteers.

To be healthy, your body needs a few simple things. Good nutrition, exercise, and, of course, water. Most people realize that eating well and getting lots of exercise are important for good health, but few grasp the crucial necessity of water. Water provides two benefits to your body: hydration and nutrients.

Mineral content: The National Academy of Sciences recommends a minimum hardness of 170 mg/L for drinking water. The total quantity of calcium and magnesium in water is referred to as its hardness. The optimal calcium-to-magnesium ratio is 4:1, which is four parts calcium to one component magnesium.

Healthy alkaline water moisturizes your body while also providing some mineral nourishment. According to the World Health Organization, getting part of your nourishment from water is critical. They recommend that you acquire around 20% of your daily calcium and magnesium needs from the water you drink. The rationale for their proposal is that water absorbs calcium and magnesium 30 percent quicker and faster than food!

If your water contains adequate minerals, all you need to do is alkalize and ionize it to make it ideal for heart health. A water ionizer performs both functions: It increases the pH of your water by turning the difficult-to-absorb bicarbonate minerals in tap water into easy-to-absorb alkaline mineral hydrates. The antioxidant potential is then ionized. You want the maximum antioxidant content possible in alkaline water with a pH of 8.5 to 9.5 for the best outcomes. When you use our top-of-the-line Life Ionizers, we guarantee that you will obtain the most antioxidant potential in your water in that ideal pH range of 8.5 to 9.5.

"The more alkaline the water, the more protective it is for human arteries."

That is an accurate quote from the study "Hard Water and the Heart, the Story Retold." This research assessed many studies that studied thousands of people in the United States and Europe. They discovered that those whose water was more alkaline were less likely to have cardiac problems.

The health advantages of alkaline water are not a notion; they are widely documented in the medical literature. Hard water is alkaline water; a pH strip will reveal that the pH is more than 7. Yes, this implies that if you have hard water that has been adequately filtered, it is better for you than many bottled glasses of water that lack sufficient minerals!

Why a water ionizer improves the health of hard water

A hard water ionizer screens out pollutants before raising the pH of the water. This provides your water the power to neutralize the acid. The alkaline water produced by a water ionizer also tastes better. Alkaline water from a water ionizer tastes far superior to hard water and even better than the bottled water you're currently consuming!

If you want to enhance your health, choose water over harmful beverages such as soda. Simply because it tastes so excellent, alkaline water from a water ionizer will assist you in doing this. Life Ionizers ensure that your water will be the greatest you've ever tasted.


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