Alkaline water is beneficial to your kidneys
Alkaline water is beneficial to your kidneys because it increases urine pH, which reduces the acid load on your kidneys. The kidneys must digest and eliminate waste. However, if you have a history of renal difficulties, you should see your doctor before starting alkaline water. Some kidney issues are treated by doctors using medicine to precisely manage your urine pH, and your doctor may not want you to elevate it. For everyone else, alkaline water is a fantastic approach to maintaining your kidneys healthy and functioning at their best. Kidneys and the natural detoxification system of your body If you are young and in good condition, your kidneys probably do not require much assistance. However, kidney function begins to diminish beyond the age of 30, and if you have difficulty losing weight, your kidneys may be overworked by chronic metabolic acidosis: a brief condition in which your blood pH falls below safe levels. If this is the case, alkaline water may be a suitable option for lo...